Sponsors as friends: Can we be too close?

Just before Chuck S. got into recovery, he was in his early 20s, snorting drugs alone in his parents’ basement, totally isolated and cut off from friends and most family. “I used up all my friends,” he said. “I had lost the ability to build a friendship.” Chuck made...

Heroin hits Nashville — ALL of Nashville — hard

Metro Police this week broke up a drug ring that they believe brought in about 22 pounds of heroin a month into Nashville. And that’s only one drug ring. Do what?? Didn’t heroin go away with tie-dye T-shirts in the ‘70s? Well, like tie-dye, heroin is making a strong...

Anonymity: Should we tell our stories in public?

I remember early in recovery that my normie twin brother Todd was kind enough to agree to come with me to my home group in a 12-step fellowship. Not only did Todd agree to come with, but he was really excited to meet some of my new recovery friends. “Can I bring a...

Ugh, THAT guy: Loving the hard-to-love in recovery

Every time I saw him at a 12-step meeting, the guy was wearing mascara — and sunglasses, earrings, a graphic T-shirt, some sort of hat. His lip was pierced. He often posted half or fully naked pics of himself on Facebook. And when Mascara Man would share in the rooms,...